
We study the problem of sampling robot trajectories and introduce the notion of C-Uniformity. As opposed to the standard method of uniformly sampling control inputs (which lead to biased samples of the configuration space), C-Uniform trajectories are generated by control actions which lead to uniform sampling of the configuration space. After presenting an intuitive closed-form solution to generate C- Uniform trajectories for the 1D random-walker, we present a network-flow based optimization method to precompute C- Uniform trajectories for general robot systems. We apply the notion of C-Uniformity to the design of Model Predictive Path Integral controllers. Through simulation experiments, we show that using C-Uniform trajectories significantly improves the performance of MPPI-style controllers, achieving up to 40% coverage performance gain compared to the best baseline. We demonstrate the practical applicability of our method with an implementation on a 1/10th scale racer.

Comparison of uniformly sampling the actions versus C-Uniform trajectories for the 1-D random walk system

Overview Video

What is C-Uniformity?

C-Uniformity is a new notion for sampling robot trajectories where we seek to generate trajectories with the following property: Let \( L(t) \) be the set of configurations reachable by the robot in time \( t \). C-uniform trajectories are a collection of trajectories such that, for each \( t \), configurations in \( L(t) \) are sampled uniformly at random.

General Methodology: We generate level sets by densely sampling control inputs and tiling \( \delta \)-measure regions over each level set. To compute the action probabilities, a flow network is generated whose maximum-flow yields C-Uniformity.

Coverage Analysis

Trajectories with Uniformly Selected Actions

Trajectories with C-Uniform Trajectory Sampling

Coverage Performance Comparison of MPPI, log-MPPI, and C-Uniform at Varying Sample Sizes

Number of Sampled Trajectories MPPI log-MPPI C-Uniform
Low Medium High Low Medium High
250 21 (0.09%) 86 (0.36%) 329 (1.37%) 74 (0.31%) 271 (1.13%) 674 (2.81%) 737 (3.08%)
500 23 (0.10%) 94 (0.39%) 356 (1.48%) 79 (0.33%) 345 (1.44%) 897 (3.74%) 995 (4.15%)
1000 26 (0.11%) 103 (0.43%) 410 (1.71%) 76 (0.32%) 390 (1.63%) 1140 (4.75%) 1382 (5.83%)
2500 28 (0.12%) 112 (0.47%) 529 (2.20%) 93 (0.39%) 470 (1.96%) 1420 (5.92%) 1851 (7.71%)
5000 27 (0.11%) 120 (0.50%) 584 (2.43%) 100 (0.42%) 525 (2.19%) 1637 (6.82%) 2271 (9.46%)
10000 29 (0.12%) 131 (0.55%) 653 (2.72%) 104 (0.43%) 568 (2.37%) 1838 (7.66%) 2578 (10.74%)

Real World Experiments

C-Uniform (Cluttered)

MPPI (Cluttered)

log-MPPI (Cluttered)

C-Uniform (U-Shaped)

MPPI (U-Shaped)

log-MPPI (U-Shaped)


                    title={C-Uniform Trajectory Sampling For Fast Motion Planning}, 
                    author={O. Goktug Poyrazoglu and Yukang Cao and Volkan Isler},